Friday, May 11, 2007

Finally! I run Goot @ 100NL

Another early morning session, and it seems the players are just as bad as 50nlers. I started with 2 of each level but decided to close out the 50NL tables and open an additional 100NL, because i was not paying attention to them. I ran pretty tight early on but the more i played the looser i got, trying to play pots with the really bad fish.

two hands today...

Implied odds vs. fish

loose btn call - because of all the fish.

the tables were so juicy i played until 4am, but i started to lose focus and after losing a stack i decided to call it a night.

********edited @ work********

The session obviously went very well as you all can see. But there is always room for improvement. There are a couple of things I can see just from looking at these stats.

1. I'm playing way too many hands in the SB... I need to tighten this up.
2. I'm defending the blinds way too much

I need to take a look at my positional stats when i get home to see how i did in these positions but I know for a fact this month i've been spewing out of the big blind.

Session Grade = B

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