LeggoPoker.com - Hand History Converter
BTN: 81,055
Hero (SB): 140,338
BB: 48,607
Pre-Flop: (9,300) K
BTN raises to 10,000, Hero raises to 139,738 and is All-In, BB calls 43,007 and is All-In, BTN calls 70,455 and is All-In
Flop: (210,717) 8
Turn: (210,717) 9
River: (210,717) 3
Results: 210,717 Pot
BTN showed A
Hero showed K
BB showed A
So a bit of a suck out... but still pretty sweet!
Sweet indeed! Suck out, yes but even good players get to suck put from time to time. For the life of me I don't understand how the button call off the rest of his stack A8o. Ha!
Congrats! How big was the field & score? About 180 peeps?
thanks Zeke... this was $10 90 man KO i played earlier this month.
Congrats my friend. Good to see you are doing well.
thanks mike... still here just not posting as much. hopefully will post more going forward.
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