Sunday, July 16, 2006

Stars 50NL vs. Party 50NL

Today I experience the contrast between these two sites at this level. I don't play at stars often because i perfer party, but i decided to open up a few tables today. The action was very slow and i noticed right away the weakness of the tables, normally first person to bet takes down the pot. This means that there are very few large pots but you can drag alot of small pots.
The players seem very passive preflop and post flop. It was not uncommon to raise in EP and have everyone fold. whereas on party and EP raise seems to be an invitation for everyone and their mother to call. Thats the biggest difference, also there is very little to no bluffing going on @ stars whereas on party every body is playin like its a wsop final table. Had a pretty good day at stars then followed that up with a bad night at party.

This weeks results:
11516 hands @
$769.45 profit.

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